[Australia] A lo largo de Australia, en Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth y Hobart, así como en Indianapolis, EE.UU., individuos de una variedad de grupos con ideas parecidas atendieron a las reuniones Ama a la Tierra 2008 el sábado, 4 de octubre, Año Dorado 5 (2008).
[Hobart] Los miembros de nuestra Asociación unieron fuerzas con Tasmania Vegetariana y Contra la Crueldad Animal Tasmania para ser anfitriones de una maravillosa reunión en los hermosos céspedes de la Casa del Parlamento.
[Canberra] En el corazón de Canberra en Garema Place, Centro Cívico, los miembros de nuestra Asociación montaron un puesto.
[Perth] Una variedad de puestos de información, de oradores notables, artistas, intérpretes y clases de cocina vegetariana contribuyeron al éxito del evento festivo.
[Brisbane] Personas de un rango de grupos se reunieron en Reddacliff Place en la ciudad de Brisbane con una abundancia de pancartas y letreros promoviendo el mensaje vegano.
[Sydney] Los caminantes de la Reunión Ama a la Tierra marcharon en calles transitadas, sosteniendo pancartas grandes y repartiendo volantes SOS Cambio Climático.
[Melbourne] Apoyadores dedicados, de varios grupos ambientales y amigos de los animales en Melbourne, vinieron a completar la caminata de la ciudad.
[Indianapolis, EE.UU.] Con buen ánimo, miembros de nuestra asociación repartieron como 10,000 volantes SOS de cambio climático a las multitudes en el Parque White River State en el área del centro.
Love the Earth – Calling for a Vegetarian Diet Worldwide
Compiled by Australia News Group (Originally in English)
[Australia] Across Australia, in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth and Hobart, as well as in Indianapolis, USA, individuals from a variety of like-minded groups attended the 2008 Love Earth gatherings on Saturday, October 4, Golden Year 5 (2008). From city walk throughs, large banners, and public speakers to information stalls and fun-filled family festivities, the message of “Be Veg, Go Green and Save the Planet” echoed throughout the cities. This grassroots movement was a tremendous success and has strengthened the cooperative spirit in all to continue spreading the veg message to the greater public and our leaders worldwide to stop climate change. [Hobart] Our Association members joined forces with Vegetarian Tasmania and Against Animal Cruelty Tasmania to host a wonderful gathering on the beautiful lawns of Parliament House. Volunteer presenter for Al Gore’s climate project and nutritionist, Liila Hass, who is a 25-year vegetarian, gave a powerful speech; and in a fun “pro-veg” parade, a sweet young piglet named Peggy attracted a lot of interest from the passing crowds. People stopped to watch climate change-related videos from Supreme Master TV and to take away informative flyers. The event was gratefully reported on WIN TV, Channel 7 and in the Sunday newspaper.
[Canberra] In the heart of Canberra at Garema Place, Civic Centre, a booth was set up by our Association members to invite people to learn more about climate change and what they can do to help save the planet. The free vegetarian food offered gave people a lasting impression of how good vegetarian food can taste!
[Perth] A variety of information stalls, notable speakers, artists, performers and vegetarian cooking classes all contributed to the success of a festive event. Local Aboriginal Leader Noel Pearson opened the event by saying that more people would be awakened to the urgent need to shift our community attention to the plight of Mother Earth. Senator Scott Ludlum of the Greens Party indicated that his eyes had been opened to the terrible environmental costs associated with the meat and dairy industries. He said this new understanding would filter through his own party and indeed into the parliament house itself.
[Brisbane] People from a range of groups gathered at Reddacliff Place in Brisbane City with an abundance of banners and signs promoting the veg message. Keynote speaker, former senator Andrew Bartlett, spoke candidly at the public gathering saying: “The single, easiest, most immediate straight-forward thing every single person can do to have an immediate impact on reducing greenhouse emissions and reducing the dangers of climate change is to reduce their consumption of meat and dairy products, and ideally eliminate them altogether.” He further explained: “We can’t all individually go out and set up a replacement for the coal industry overnight. We can’t all individually go out and establish a whole fleet of solar cars … but we can all reduce our consumption of meat and dairy products today. It’s an immediate thing we can do now; we don’t need to wait for new technology.”
Former senator Andrew Bartlett |
[Sydney] The Love Earth Gathering walkers marched on busy city streets, holding large banners and handing out SOS Climate Change flyers. Despite the rain, there was a big turnout of people including a pair of dogs wearing sweaters stating “I am a vegetarian.” Sarah Kossew, a lawyer from Voiceless, spoke at the beginning of the walk, reminding everyone of the impact that meat eating has on the environment.
[Melbourne] Dedicated supporters, from various environmental and animal-friendly groups in Melbourne, came along for the city walk through. Speaker Bruce Poon captivated passersby and supporters alike with his clear explanation of the environmental damage caused by the demand for a meat-based diet, and convinced many of the importance of shifting to the plant-based diet.
[Indianapolis, USA] Association members in high spirits handed out about 10,000 SOS Climate Change flyers to the crowds at White River State Park in the downtown area. Banners and signs posted around the park, along with “sandwich” placards worn by some participants, promoted the “Be Veg to Save the Planet” message. Children who came to the event were especially eager to greet the friendly and delightful characters “Piggy” and “Scooby,” who freely dispersed hugs along with our flyers. Two adorable dogs also joined in wearing vests adorned with the slogan “Am a Vegan,” which attracted lots of loving attention and happy smiles.
Through these wonderful gatherings, the veg idea is spreading to the masses, to the mainstream media and reaching our leaders. It’s only a matter of time before people worldwide take this message on board and implement the simple ideal of vegetarianism for the sake of all beings on Earth.
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