“Vegetarian for a Green World,
Save the Planet” Seminar
Por el Grupo de Noticias de Bangkok (Originalmente en tailandés)
[Bangkok] Since early this year, initiates at the Bangkok Center have been sending out SOS flyers to schools, government departments, local and municipal councils, and many other organizations in an attempt to inform the public of Master’s messages on global warming and the short time that there is left to tackle the problem. In July, Golden Year 5 (2008), the acting president of the Klong Dan Local Council, Mr. Sangarran Potisiri, invited the initiates to do a presentation entitled “Vegetarian for a Green World, Save the Planet” at a Care for the Environment function. ![]() The seminar took place on July 31 and was attended by 150 fifth-grade students, teachers and Local Council employees. The event started with a video clip of a Supreme Master Television program called “Fishing.” All the children watched with great intent and enthusiasm. Next, the initiates played games with the students and at the same time, explained to them the negative effects of meat consumption and the benefits of vegetarianism. The children enjoyed the games and asked many questions. It was the first time for most of them to be introduced to this critical information. In the third part of the seminar, videos of the gruesome slaughterhouses, egg producing factories and dairy production sheds were shown. The children were shocked and saddened that this was the way meat, eggs and dairy are produced. In the concluding activity, the students were asked to write down on red heart-shaped paper what they thought of vegetarianism. Being kind-hearted in nature, most of them said that they would like to become vegetarian to reduce the suffering of animals and they wanted to be compassionate towards animals. The initiates suggested that they keep their hearts and show them to their parents. Después del seminario, todos los participantes disfrutaron de emparedados de jamón y ensalada, amorosamente preparados por los iniciados. Muchos niños comieron más de uno, y los adultos se quedaron asombrados de cuán sabrosa puede ser la comida vegetariana. Todos también recibieron un folleto con información acerca de restaurantes vegetarianos en Tailandia, nutrición vegetariana y los efectos del consumo de carne para el medio ambiente y para la salud humana. Muchos de los estudiantes también firmaron la petición "Ayudemos a Reducir el Calentamiento Global Reduciendo y Eliminando el Consumo de Carne", la cual nuestros iniciados están preparando para presentarla al gobierno tailandés. Con un poco de suerte, todos los asistentes continuarán con la dieta vegetariana y mostrarán compasión por todos nuestros amigos animales.