Позитивни промени на планетата

Обединени Нации
Позитивни ангажименти за подобряване климата на планетата

От Новините по Суприм Мастър Телевижън, Епизод 65

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held to implement positive solutions to global warming, took place in Nairobi, Kenya, from November 6-17, Golden Year 3 (2006), and was attended by more than 5,000 delegates. Kenya's Environment Minister, Kivutha Kibwana, urged negotiators to take concrete actions on immediate priorities. In response, the European Union pledged US$18 million towards reducing the effects of global warming over the next four years, especially in developing countries.

Italy vowed to lead by setting an example in making significant improvements. New Zealand announced it would focus on positive changes impacting agriculture and encouraged all nations to step forward and join together in light of the Stern report by economist Sir Nicholas Stern, 'The Economics of Climate Change.' Kenyan Nobel Peace laureate, Wangari Maathai, introduced the Billion Tree Campaign to plant a minimum of one billion trees in Golden Year 4 (2007). United Nations Environment Program Director, Achim Steiner, said the Billion Tree Campaign offers a direct and straightforward path which all sectors of society can step down to contribute to meet the climate change challenge. With such single-minded devotion and wholehearted cooperation among all nations to solving the global warming issue, improvement is surely in sight.

UNFCCC Map - Green: UNFCCC Member; Peach: UNFCCC Observer; Gray: Not party to UNFCCC







Обединено Кралство
Начин да съхраним кислорода


От Новините по Суприм Мастър Телевижън, Епизод 73

Hydrogen is quickly becoming a popular source of alternative energy but the problem with all alternative energy is how do we store it and how do we do it effectively? The University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom has found a way to store large quantities of hydrogen in small porous structures, leading to the obsoleteness of the expression bigger is better. The scientists working on the new development are Professor Martin Schrder and his colleagues, Professor Neil Champness and Dr. Hubberstey from the School of Chemistry, with Dr. Gavin Walker from the School of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Nottingham. The breakthrough achieved by the professors could very well bring the world closer to a more hydrogen-based fuel economy.



Да помогнем за спасяване на планетата чрез промени в домакинството

От Новините по Суприм Мастър Телевижън, Епизод 64

According to a 2006 survey, almost a third of British householders have carried out energy-saving improvements in their homes over the past year. The home improvements are practical for the homeowners who ultimately save money by cutting gas expenses and electric bills as well as contributing to decreasing global warming by reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The survey conducted by the Halifax Building Society reflects people's on-going commitment to improving energy efficiency by thinking of the future of the planet and the next generations to come.



Английски болници получават средства, за да се преборят с глобалното затопляне

От новинарската група в Сингапур (оригиналът на английски)

In its efforts to cut the nation's greenhouse gas emissions as well as energy consumption, on January 4, Golden Year 4 (2007), the British government announced a 100 million pound (about 193 million US dollars) fund to help the National Health Service in the battle to curb the global warming crisis. The money will go towards more energy efficient appliances, building insulation and combined heat and power plants. This will help hospitals and other health sector buildings cut carbon dioxide emissions, increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.



Избягвайте месото и млечните продукти, за да помогнете на околната среда

От новинарската група в Брисбън, Австралия (оригиналът на английски)

Британският министър по опазване на околната среда Бен Брадшоу е заявил, че прекъсване консумацията на месо би довело до огромно стабилизиране в климата на планетата.

Господин Брадшоу съобщава, че правителството на Англия е пуснало нов интернет сайт, който съветва да се помогне на планетата, като се избягват месото и млечните продукти, а се консумират зеленчуците на сезона. Сайтът гласи: "Производството на месо и млечни продукти има далеч по-голямо въздействие върху промените на планетата и околната среда, отколкото производството на зърнени, бобови култури, плодове и зеленчуци.

Интернетн сайтове http://www.direct.gov.uk/greenerfood обясняват, че яденето на телешко, агнешко, пилешко, както и на млечни продукти, допринася за глобалното затопляне поради факта, че за тяхното производство са необходими огромни количества енергия и земя. Mr. Bradshaw also stated that food production is just as detrimental as private transport and housing, and that the Government was considering a labeling system for all food products, based on the farm-to-fork impact each product has on the environment.

Уебсайтът "Зелена храна" съобщава, че "Здравословното хранене е също важно и много хора биха имали полза, ако се хранят пропорционално с повече плодове и зеленчуци и с по-малко количество мазни храни."

Англия е пример за света, използвайки научни данни за информиране на хората относно вредното влияние на месопроизводството и млечната продукция върху околната среда.


Логото на "Препоръчително за спестяване на енергията" (ESR) в Англия



Европа и самолетните авиолинии да предприемат позитивни стъпки към намаляване на газовете, предизвикващи парников ефект

От Новините по Суприм Мастър Телевижън, Епизод 71

Aviation emissions are increasing rapidly. To help curb greenhouse gas emissions, all airlines coming or going from EU airports are now asked to participate in the EU's carbon-trading scheme. British Airways support the emissions trading as they found it the most effective way in terms of economy and environment to cut carbon dioxide emissions.

The first phase of the scheme aims at emissions from the power sector and heavy industries, and the next phase will aim at the second largest source: cars, ships and planes. The Environment Commission is now working on the operation and allocation methods.

Дирята, оставяна от самолетите, е част от газовите замърсявания на летателните машини Британските авиолинии са съгласни да участват в Европейския Проект за намаляване на парниковите газове по време на летене




Най-голямата световна ферма за слънчева енергия

От новините по Суприм Мастър Телевижън, Епизод 53

Two start-up companies in the US are teaming up with New Mexico State to build one of the world's largest solar powered energy farms. Located near Deming, New Mexico, it will be about 30 times larger than the world's largest solar farm to date. The panels will cover about 3,200 acres and generate about 300 megawatts of natural energy, enough to light up 240,000 homes (an incredible amount of light beam energy). The team will make special light sensitive panels in a new factory, thus creating new jobs.



Уол-Март използва своя водещ пазар, за да рекламира енергоспестяващи крушки за осветление

От новинарската група в Сингапур (оригиналът на английски)
Уол-Март СЕО г-н Лий Скот Изложение на енергоспестяващите флуоресцентни лампи на Уол-Март в Секокус, Ню Джърси, САЩ.


Wal-Mart the giant discount retailer also unveiled an environmental plan to become a leader on issues like fuel efficiency, reducing both energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Wal-Mart plans to spend $500 million a year to increase fuel efficiency in Wal-Mart's truck fleet by 25% over three years and doubling it within 10 years; reduce greenhouse gases by 20% in seven years; reduce energy use at stores by 3%; and cut solid waste from its U.S. stores and Sam's Clubs by 25% in three years.

Another way to cut energy consumption is to use the more efficient light bulbs that use much less electricity. Compared to the more widely used incandescent light bulbs, the new compact fluorescent bulbs consume 75% less electricity, last 10 times longer, produce 450 pounds fewer greenhouse gases from power plants and save consumers US$30 over the life of each bulb. Wal-Mart is determined to promote and see such bulbs installed in at least 100 million homes.

Having America's biggest company, with a huge customer base and influence with suppliers, encouraging 200 million shoppers to save energy has truly given the 'green' movement a strong boost.




Соларни покриви

От новините по Суприм Мастър Телевижън, Епизод 60

Japan is currently the world's leading producer of solar cells. Now one of its sunshine filled areas is becoming the center of its production. Another benefit to the area is that it experiences fewer earthquakes than other regions. Both Fiji Electric and Honda Motor Co. had been invited to set up factories in the region by Kumamoto Prefecture. They hope to build 100 million yen (US$846,600) worth of solar equipment and to have solar cells shipped out by 2010. The companies hope that solar cells will become a popular method of energy, as it is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

Заводът Хонда Солтек Ко., ООД (художествен изглед) е създаден на 1 декември Златна Година 3 (2006), за да произвежда и продава покриви за слънчева енергия през втората половина на Златна Година 4 (2007).



Програмата на Зеления Марк и други инициативи

От новинарската група в Сингапур (оригиналът на английски)

As part of the Singapore government's continual efforts to promote sustainable living practices for the island nation, the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) launched the Green Mark program two years ago in January Golden Year 2 (2005). Green Mark aims to encourage developers and building owners to adopt environment-friendly designs, technologies and practices. With a rating system that evaluates buildings for their environmental impact and performance, Green Mark's objectives are being achieved through the implementation of such technologies as energy-saving air-conditioning systems, water-saving technologies and solar power.

Currently in Singapore, 34 buildings have Green Mark certification, with the public sector taking the lead in embracing green building technology. Starting April 1, Golden Year 4 (2007), all new public buildings and those undergoing major renovation must have Green Mark certification. For example, all new flats built by the government-owned Housing Development Board, which is the largest housing developer in Singapore, will be Green Mark certified.

The government has also made a total pledge of S$70 million (US$46.6 million), launching two other initiatives that encourage sustainable development. First, developers can obtain cash incentives of up to S$3 million (US$2 million) per project from S$20 million (US$13.3 million) that has been allocated to the Green Building Incentive Scheme. Second, Singapore-based companies and individuals can also apply for grants from a R&D fund of S$50 million (US$33.3 million) allocated for development of green technologies in the building industry.

Съвместният Университетски парк (художествен изглед), за който Зеленият Марк получи Златна награда
Хотелът Св. Риджис и Резиденция (художествен изглед), наградени с награда Златна плюс
Корабен и яхт-клуб залив (художествен изглед), Златна награда за Зеления Марк


1. Green Mark Incentive Guide - http://www.bca.gov.sg/GreenMark/others/GMIS_guide.pdf
2. Green Mark 2006 - http://www.bca.gov.sg/GreenMark/others/gm2006.pdf


Кола, захранваща се със слънчева енергия, бие междуконтиненталния рекорд

От новинарската група в Брисбън, Австралия (оригиналът на английски)

A group of university students from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia, has shattered the 1994 world record for the fastest solar powered road trip from Perth to Sydney. They traveled approximately 4000 km and averaged 700 km per day reaching speeds of up to 70 km per hour.

The students demonstrated that the future of transportation lies in innovative thought, advanced materials and renewable solar energy. 1 One of the engineering students, Andrew Pratley, hopes that people will start looking to greener alternatives for transport. "Climate change is a huge topical issue and examples like this show we don't need fossil fuels to drive on the roads," he said.

This brilliant demonstration is a leading innovation for our future use of solar energy for our transportation needs.

Соларната кола (кола със слънчева батерия за зареждане) Solarswift III на пътя (Източник на снимката: http://www.sunswift.com)


Справки: 1 http://www.sunswift.com


Технология за слънчево охлаждане
От новинарската група в Швеция (оригиналът на шведски)

On December 4, Golden Year 3 (2006), the World Economic Forum held in Geneva, Switzerland, announced that ClimateWell, a Swedish company, was granted the Technology Pioneer 2007Award for its ground-breaking Solar Cooling technology. ClimateWell has developed a highly efficient solar cooling system that has the unique ability to store energy and convert hot water to cooling and heating available around the clock. All cooling and heating systems involve some form of heat exchange process. ClimateWell's system is based on a thermo-chemical one between water and some hygroscopic salt that takes place in a vacuum.

The basic working principle is: water evaporating from a tank inside a refrigerator-size unit is absorbed by salt - Lithium Chloride (LiCl), housed in a connected tank; the salt, being hygroscopic in nature, attracts and absorbs the water molecules and turns into a slurry. As water evaporates, it gives up energy, which is then released inside the salt tank. This energy transfer results in the water becoming colder, while the salt slurry heats up.

We now have a cold water tank and a hot salt tank, which is essentially a heat pump. By connecting coiled tube to the two tanks, water circulating through the tubes can transport energy, hot or cold, out of the system and to the environment. In principle, we now have a cooling and heating system.

In order to store energy in the system, the salt tank can be connected to solar panels. The heat from water connected to the solar thermal collectors evaporates water from the salt, which will be dried and energy is stored in it for as long as it is needed. As soon as water is remixed with the salt, that energy is released, again cooling the water tank.

Since a third of the world's carbon dioxide emissions come from heating and cooling of buildings, these emissions can be drastically reduced by adopting technologies that are based on the use of renewable energy. ClimateWell's achievement is certainly a step in the right direction.

Системата за слънчево охлаждане за подобряване на климата CW10
Чертеж, показващ как изглежда CW10 отвътре


http://www.climatewell.com/files/ClimateWell%20press% 20release%20English.pdf

