Зина Бетюн и нейните театрални танци
Съставено от Суприм Мастер Телевижън "Безкрайни мечти" е образователна програма, която дава възможност на хората с увреждания да подобрят качеството на живота си и да се уверят в качествата си като участват в света на театъра и танците. Нейн инициатор е Зина Бетюн - танцъорка, актриса и хореографка, а също така и основателка на "Bethune Theatredanse" - мултимедийна компания, която чрез новаторските си идеи предлага уникално за зрителите театрално изживяване.
Zina Bethune is a world renowned dancer, actress, choreographer and singer in film, television and in world-wide theatrical appearances. One of her life's missions is to teach the artistry of dance to the disabled, thus realizing their dream of experiencing the freedom of merging with the music and getting beyond the confinements of mind and body. Her continuing efforts have been commended by the White House and recognized by Los Angeles Mayors Richard J. Riordan and Tom Bradley. She has received numerous awards, including the most recent Shining World Leadership Award by Supreme Master Ching Hai. For her noble work with the children, Supreme Master Ching Hai also made a contribution of US$10,000 to Bethune Theatredanse, which will be used for the scholarship program.
Ms. Bethune established her present dance company in 1980. She herself had undergone and overcome several experimental surgeries on dysplastic hips, and also had to cope with scoliosis and lymphedema. Despite these physical problems, she continues to pursue an active artistic career. In 1983, reflecting on her own physical experiences, Zina established the Infinite Dreams program, which gives physically or mentally challenged children the opportunity to express themselves artistically. This was fulfilling to her compassionate nature and life-long affection in working with disabled children.
Ms. Bethune firmly believed that the creativity and the spirit within a person are never disabled. In her program, the focus is not on what the disabled people can't do, but about what they can do. The positive experience transformed many kids' lives as they are treated as creative artists in the class. One little boy named Diego even let go of his walker after 2 years in the program, which according to Ms. Bethune, "really does exemplify what Infinite Dreams is about, because it was through the program, he found it himself." The program currently involves over 1000 disabled children and offers classes all year round.
Note: For more information on Ms. Bethune and her studio, please visit: http://www.bethunedance.org/danceoutreach/biography.htm