Special Reports


Beyond a Masterpiece


Sister Initiate Tienlan Liang, Taipei Formosa

Since my initiation a few years ago, I have surprisingly lost interest in country and classical music, before which I had ardently loved.

Yet both types of music were part of the major theme of the One World of Peace through Music concert in Los Angeles last year. During the concert, I was immersed in the beautiful melody and almost forgot that I've had the experience of seeing a mountain but not as a mountain and seeing water but not as water.

In the middle of the first part of the concert, the master of ceremonies said that they had a surprise for Master. Eventually, the surprise was to invite Her to sing Her song "Farewell." Master humbly said that She had just finished a retreat and Her voice wasn't good since She had had to speak a lot every day.

Unable to refuse the appeal, Master did sing the song impromptu, but when She sang the high tones, Her voice was obviously husky from overwork. After She finished, I, whose English isn't too good, vaguely understood the master of ceremonies to acclaim that it was amazing for Master to finish the song impromptu. "It was truly a masterpiece," exclaimed the MC. I could no longer hold back my tears, since I had heard the most beautiful sound in the world. Sensing a true Master's love and a saint's totally unselfish sacrifice, I thought, "It's beyond a masterpiece!"

I recalled that in the past two and half days during the retreat, to satisfy disciples' yearning, Master had tried Her best to come to the meditation hall and give lectures for each section. Due to inadequate space on the second day, Master arranged to see disciples sorted by languages and had answered questions for each group until midnight, totally neglecting Her tiredness.

During group meditation last night, when I remembered Master's sacrifice and devotion to us, I once again couldn't restrain my tears. I believe those heavenly beautiful sounds from the Concert will forever stay in the memory of all our brothers and sisters.

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The Heavenly Music: The Symphony of the Century
Sounds Lingering in the Air after the Concert
Farewell Song Heavenly Music Manifests in Our World
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