Special Reports


The Holy Family


By Sister Initiate Velma, Indiana, USA (Originally in English)

It was my first retreat since initiation one month before and I was captivated by the sea of faces from around the world - many thousands of them. Not "them" but "us," and that was significant for I am now a member of this special "holy family." Normally, I feel afraid when I am among "strangers" and prefer to be alone in terms of lodging; however, there were no strangers here. People I had never met, from countries that were only spots on a map, radiated warmth that only comes from the heart of a family, and I knew that I belonged. The simple salutations "Sister" or "Brother" stirred an emotion in me I have never felt before and I realized that they were genuine. Regardless of nationality, prior spiritual experience, or living circumstance, every female has the same name, "Sister"; every male has the same name, "Brother". The feeling I had when those words were spoken told me I was with my brothers and sisters; the retreat was a family affair and the head of the household was Master, or as one initiate called Her, "Master Mom."

We were involved in our shared silence and secret experiences when our beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai arrived. Donned in Christmas colors, white pants and red top, She moved quickly and attentively through the crowd, waving, shaking hands, and touching some as She passed. I felt the beating of my heart as She neared me. I was just coming out of where my mind had drifted - the fear that I could not keep up with the pace and physical demands that intensive meditation would place on my body. I could only take it moment to moment, not one day, but one session at a time. I was given the "amen" by God when I felt Master's presence as spiritual and physical reinforcement of power.

Then the unbelievable happened. She touched ME - a light tap on my shoulder and one on my upper arm and to my greater surprise, tears rolled from my eyes. Relieved of "something" I knew not what, I knew I would never be the same again. I was "in all the way." Thanks, Master, and thank You, God for reassuring me I was in the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thing for my spiritual progress.

Attending the sessions, I paid attention to the heartfelt questions asked of Master, and noted the attention, warmth, and especially the patience of Her responses. One thing She said rings over and over and over in my mind. It was not new to my spiritual or intellectual understanding, or perhaps even new to my soul, but it sure felt like it. It was a statement of the life I lead now.

She was referencing the words of Jesus, Matthew 6:33, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and it's righteousness, and other things shall be added." Then She said words to the effect, regarding meditation and material things or experiences. "Look, I'll make it simple. If you don't go within, you go without." It was a simple truth that struck me like lightning. In my life, I had gone without: without friends, without love for myself, without happiness, without the ability to speak up about abuse I had experienced, without sufficient nourishment, without the know-how to handle my marriage or other personal relations, without funds, without fun, without seeing the "light at the end of the tunnel". Although much has been resolved, still there are some things I am going "without," but the good news is that I am not living my life - without Master.

Seemingly to seal that declaration, I was moved, when after the last session, Master was waving and shaking the hands that stuck out of the "sea" of initiates as She made Her way from the meditation hall. I was smiling, joyful in my heart that I had made it to the end, when She approached the section where I was standing. To my surprise, She stepped forward and offered Her hand to me and I was blessed again. In that moment, I knew more absolutely than ever that I was "in" all the way. I am grateful that God has led me to such a wonderful group, with such a loving, compassionate, caring leader, the Supreme Master Ching Hai.

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