Sister Chiu Shui, Taichung, Formosa
husband and I did not plan to have children. However, after my return
from the Australian retreat, I dreamed that I had a big belly and was
standing on top of a mountain. I woke up with a fright, wondering if
Master was telling me that I'd soon become pregnant. A month later,
a pregnancy test proved positive. I couldn't accept the results. My
husband and I had always been very careful with birth control. As I
walked out of the gynecology clinic, I burst into tears. I had no idea
about what I should do. I rode home on my motorcycle, thinking that
the result must have been inaccurate. Suddenly, just before I got home,
my whole attitude changed. "Maybe this is the best gift from God, so
let me learn from it." I couldn't believe the sudden change that had
come over me. In a short 20-minute ride, I had gone from depression
to excitement. It must have been the power of God and the child!
During my pregnancy,
I couldn't adjust to the changes in my body. My husband was very understanding
and took me out for meals; but almost every time, I would vomit just
as we were about to enter a restaurant. I just couldn't eat out. I had
to cook for myself during my pregnancy. Obviously, the fetus was very
sensitive to food from the outside.
When I was in my fifth
month, I went abroad for a retreat. Up until that point, I had felt
no fetal movement, which everyone thought was strange. On the first
day of the retreat, Master said She would walk around to see us. Immediately
the fetus began to kick very fast. When Master walked close by, she
kicked so hard that it was like the beating of a drum. The baby's eagerness
touched me. On the last day of the retreat, Master made another round.
I watched Her quietly and, unexpectedly, She stopped her car right in
front of me. At first, She looked at me, then at my stomach. I sensed
an incomparable and immense love.
From the beginning
of my pregnancy, I had loved to talk to my child. In my spare time at
work I would read Master's articles, and during work I would play music
for her. Coming back from work I would read one of Master's stories.
During this time, it was my pleasure to participate in Master's work
(writing abstracts of Her videotapes). It benefited me as I watched
the tapes repeatedly. My whole body and heart were in absolute joy,
and I deeply sensed my child's contentment.
One time my husband
wanted to sleep in. So I took his hand, put it on my stomach, and then
said to my child, "Daddy is sleeping in. Kick him and tell him to get
up!" She immediately kicked several times, and my husband and I smiled
with tacit understanding! Then I had a dream in which my child was saying
to me, "Mommy, I'm very intelligent and I want to come out earlier."
I said, "No, you can't come out this early. You are not fully developed
yet! Go back into Mommy's tummy." Indeed, I delivered her in the 35th
week of my pregnancy. Her appearance was exactly the same as I had seen
it in my dream. Although her weight was a little on the light side,
the doctor said she was very healthy and there was no need to put her
in an incubator. Oh, I'm so thankful to Master!
Now my baby is seven
months old, and she is growing faster than other babies. She has four
teeth and likes to talk. She seems very understanding. As I recall,
Master once said that many affiliated beings are born during the lifetime
of a True Master, so they can practice and become liberated. They especially
choose to be born in disciples' families, and to be vegetarian even
as fetuses, so there are no complications during their spiritual practice.
Therefore, we should wholeheartedly accept God's best arrangement and
do our best to learn the lesson of love.