Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest Audiotapes
<In English>


The Ideal Partner (1)(2)
July 23, 1996
Group Meditation in Cambodia
A Modern Master
March 24, 1997
Group Meditation in Singapore
Entering the Blissful Union of God (1)(2)
April 26, 1997
Group Meditation in Singapore


Our Child Nature is God (1)(2)
September 13 & December 14, 1997
Group Meditation in LA, U.S.A.
The True Meaning of Ahimsa (1)(2)
November 22-23, 1997
Group Meditation in India
The Choices of Each Soul (1)(2)
June 7, 1998
Group Meditation in LA, U.S.A.

<In Chinese>


Eternal Care From a True Master (1) & (2)
International 4-day retreat, Washington D.C USA
December 25, 1997
 Lunar New Year Celebration,
Orlando, Florida, USA
February 13-16, 1999
Humans Are The Greatest Being In The Universe/ Bringing Perfection Into This World
International 5-day retreat, Young Dong Center, Sangju, Korea
May 7.9.11, 1998
International 3-day retreat, Los Angeles, USA
December 17, 1998


"25 Bodhisattvas' Experience" in Surangama Sutra (1~5)
August 11-13, 1986

(Re-edited CL 19)

The Real Self & The Choice of the Subconsciousness (1 & 2)
February 19, 1992
The Best Way to Grow in Wisdom (1 & 2 & 3)
February 28-29 & March 1, 1992

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Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest Audiotapes