Report from Benin


Real Sunshine and Sparkle Come to Benin

by Akpo Denis, Cotonou

[Cotonou] On March 13, 2004, Cotonou, a beautiful, sunny resort city blessed with sparkling beaches, became even brighter when the Benin Center hosted a video conference featuring the teachings of Supreme Master Ching Hai in a vegetarian restaurant owned by a fellow practitioner. With only two days to prepare, the initiates broadcast news of the event on a local radio station and quickly distributed fliers to Cotonou residents.

Then on the day of the seminar, the audience members arrived at the venue showing great eagerness to learn about Master’s teachings. They were soon treated to videos of Master conveying a loving, insightful message about an enriched and enlightened life on earth through practice of the Quan Yin Method. Her words expressed hope that humankind will find peace, love and safety in the bosom of God, our Father. After the video session, the host shared with the audience the profound transformations that have occurred in his life since his initiation by Supreme Master Ching Hai. The brother then introduced a Quan Yin messenger and invited him to deliver a talk.

The messenger gave a further explanation of the contents of the videotapes shown earlier — specifically, the Five Precepts, and the vegetarian diet. He then answered a number of comprehensive and intelligent questions from the audience, inviting those who were interested in the Convenient Method to raise their hands. To everyone’s surprise, all the audience members were eager to learn the Method, prompting a rain of applause from the fellow initiates in the hall, who warmly welcomed their new sisters and brothers into the Quan Yin family. During the question-and-answer session, the guests demonstrated great enthusiasm and deep interest in Master’s teachings, and the experience raised the spiritual level of everyone present. Afterwards, more than a hundred guests learned the Convenient form of practice.

During the meditation session after the Convenient Method transmission, an audience member who was for the first time attending a public activity sponsored by the Benin Center, and had never before heard of Supreme Master Ching Hai, saw Her in “full” Light while meditating.

Satisfied, happy, deeply touched and visibly desirous to know more about what they had just learned, the guests were reticent to leave the seminar venue. Seeing joy and happiness in the new practitioners’ faces, the initiates thus witnessed the love and blessings that Master had bestowed on all the participants, many of whom became pure vegetarians and applied for initiation after the event. What a great occasion it was for the fellow practitioners and spiritual seekers of Benin!



Events Date Book

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events worldwide.
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit the following URLs: (English) (Chinese)