Report from Ontario, Canada



Welcoming the Golden Age in Ottawa

by Tuan Duong, Ottawa

[Ottawa] On April 25th, 2004, Ottawa disciples conducted a video seminar at their center to joyfully commemorate the spiritual elevation of the earth’s population in the Golden Age through the grace of our beloved Master.

The seminar began with a brief introduction to the Quan Yin Method as one initiate spoke sincerely about the benefits of her spiritual practice, and how she was extremely grateful and touched by Master’s kind initiation of her elderly mother in Paris.

After showing a brief biographical video about Master, the initiates presented the DVD lecture Be a Torch Bearer for God. The guests nodded their heads and applauded while listening to Master’s wise words, especially during the video’s question-and-answer period. The air was charged with humor, joy and appreciative applause during this segment. Due to the audience members’ keen interest, the seminar was conducted longer than planned so that the guests could ask personal questions. And later, many people learned the Convenient Method.

During and before the activity, the work team members perceived that Master’s power had arranged every detail of the planning and organization. For example, while interacting with representatives of the local media and distributing flyers and posters, the initiates found that there were more Truth seekers ready to receive Master’s teachings than ever before. Thank You, Master, for giving Ottowa initiates a chance to learn the valuable lesson of selfless service, and for uniting them in their work as they progress along the spiritual path.


An Inspiring Weekend Dedicated to
Supreme Master Ching Hai

by Sunpea, London

[Chatham] On April 3, 2004, the Quan Yin practitioners of Ontario once again participated in the annual Women's Expo, which showcases the excellence of women in society. Then, on April 4, a free public video seminar was held at the Travelodge Motel in Chatham. These two events filled the weekend with Master’s divine love.

On the day of the Expo, the sun shone brightly on the small town of Chatham as many visitors calmly walked by the initiates’ booth and gazed at Supreme Master Ching Hai's photos. Interested guests gratefully picked up free flyers about the Quan Yin Method while others surprisingly said, "I've seen Her before."

On the following day, the practitioners decided to keep the spirit of the weekend flowing with a free informational seminar featuring the video lecture The Mercy of God. All the participants were glued to the screen during Master’s flawless presentation, and afterwards most decided to learn the Convenient Method.

Supreme Master Ching Hai is truly a woman of excellence, and it was an honor to share Her message of love and wisdom with Ontario residents during the inspirational Women’s Expo and seminar activities. Ontario initiates can only humbly hope that some souls benefited from their efforts, and they would like to thank the Good Lord for Hiers perfect arrangements before and during the project.




Events Date Book

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events worldwide.
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit the following URLs: (English) (Chinese)