Report from Cameroon

Cameroon’s First-Ever Video Seminar
Impresses All

by Kokou Dodji Offissa, Douala

[Douala] After learning that Benin Center initiates had recently conducted a successful video conference with only two days’ preparation, fellow initiates from Cameroon were encouraged to hold their first-ever video seminar at the Douala Center on March 17, 2004, with the assistance of a Quan Yin messenger.

The seminar was promoted through a radio broadcast introducing Master and the Quan Yin Method to the local community. In addition, many sincere brothers and sisters distributed fliers in nearby areas, and received abundant encouragement during the activity. For example, the manager of the copy shop where the fliers were printed was so touched by the initiates’ sincerity that he eagerly attended the seminar. And while distributing fliers, one brother met passersby who commented that the seminar was a holy activity and also encouraged him to keep up his good work.

On the day of the conference, a large projection screen was set up beautifully at the Douala Center and a hundred seats were arranged in the front yard. For the Douala initiates, it’s very difficult to rent a DVD projector with a large screen. Nonetheless, through Master’s blessing, a miracle occurred, and the needed equipment was finally found at a local shop, whose owner happily offered his technical assistance to the initiates. When Master’s lecture DVD was brilliantly and clearly presented, on the rented player, the work team members and guests were excited to see such a visually crisp video on a big screen for the first time. All the guests were so attracted by Master’s wise words that they asked to continue watching Master’s lecture after the scheduled playing time was over, and so the showing was continued for another hour.

After the video presentation, the messenger introduced the Quan Yin Method and the Convenient form of practice, and the audience members, who were from diverse religious backgrounds, asked many enthusiastic questions to gain further understanding of Master’s teachings. Later, several guests learned the Convenient Method.

After CM meditation, the messenger asked the new practitioners if they had seen the inner Light and many confirmed that they had by raising their hands. Among them was a fellow initiate’s wife. Before attending the conference, she had resisted Master’s teachings and made trouble for her husband as he began his spiritual cultivation, but after examining his behavior and personal affairs over time, she could not understand why his attitude and behavior had improved so drastically after practicing the Quan Yin Method. So she decided to come to the Center to learn the reason. Then after watching Master’s lecture she decided to learn the Convenient Method, and during the subsequent meditation session experienced the inner Light and felt incredibly relaxed and happy. Thus the sister repented and asked God’s forgiveness for her past ignorance.

At the end of the seminar, everyone was radiant and felt deeply contented. The Douala Center brothers and sisters thank Master for giving them the precious experience of conducting their first video conference, and anticipate holding many more such events in the future for the benefit of humankind.





Events Date Book

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events worldwide.
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit the following URLs: (English) (Chinese)