One of New York’s Best Video Seminars Ever!
By Andre Chow, New York (Originally in English)
[New York] On January 15, Golden Year Three, local initiates hosted a video seminar for the public at the New York Center, during which Master’s beautiful photos, paintings, lamps and inspiring publications were on display.
The video presented was of Master’s lecture Face Life with Courage delivered in London in 1999. And all during the presentation the guests were highly attentive, with some even nodding in agreement with Master’s enlightening remarks during the question-and-answer session. Overall, the event was charged with energy and emotion as the guests deeply contemplated Master’s message and made enthusiastic inquiries about the Quan Yin Method. Many also acquired DVDs, CDs and books and stayed to learn the Convenient Method, and one attendee, although not quite ready to practice the Convenient Method, was so fully absorbed in the holy atmosphere of the teaching session that she was reluctant to leave the room when the half-hour CM meditation began. Also, another guest immediately decided to become a vegetarian as a result of the seminar and was preparing for full initiation despite practicing another form of meditation at the time.
The day was also enhanced by the delicious vegetarian food lovingly prepared by the brothers and sisters. For example, one guest commented on how authentic and delicious the initiates’ vegetarian cheese cake tasted, and was pleasantly surprised when told that it was made with tofu and not cheese.
Thus, after being exposed to Master’s teachings, the guests went home with deep contentment and love in their hearts, and the New York initiates were highly encouraged by the successful outcome of their first video seminar of Golden Year Three as they looked forward to conducting more in the future. ♥ Seminar Guests Reveal Elevated Consciousness
By Vincent Nguyen, Virginia (Originally in English)
[Virginia] On January 22, 2006, local initiates held a video seminar at the Virginia Center to introduce the Quan Yin Method and offer Convenient Method instruction to the public.
The seminar guests were then invited to try some delicious vegetarian food prepared by the disciples. During the meal, one guest mentioned that she and a friend practiced meditation and taught Reiki (a type of psychic healing) and added, “One morning after receiving news of the seminar, while meditating I asked my inner teacher what the next step in my practice would be and I was told that I should come here!” Then after eating, the woman and her friend visited the display of Master’s publications and Longevity Lamps the initiates had set up, and upon touching a volume in The Key to Immediate Enlightenment series she felt a strong blessing. Next, regarding the Longevity Lamps she said, “Each lamp touched a different chakra [energy center] in my body. One lamp opened my heart center, and another gave my head a very strong vibration.” And when a disciple translated the titles of the Lamps from Chinese, the woman learned that the one that had opened her heart center was called “Love” and the one that had given her a strong vibration in the head was called “Perfection.” In addition, the woman also received strong blessings from Master’s paintings. Afterwards, most of the guests stayed to learn the Convenient Method and were given schedules so that they would know when to come to the Virginia Center for CM group meditation. After the January 2006 video seminar, the Virginia initiates felt deeply grateful to Master for raising the world’s consciousness, and believe that this is why seminar guests nowadays show few doubts and ask few questions and instead readily accept Her message. In fact, in this case most happily registered for the Convenient Method and then sincerely thanked the initiates for organizing the event! ♥
Abundant Blessings Bring About a Fruitful Tet Festival
By the San Francisco News Group (Originally in English)
[San Francisco, CA] As Lunar New Year 2006 approached, San Francisco initiates looked forward to participating in the annual Tet Festival, a New Year’s celebration sponsored by the local Aulacese community. This was the fourth consecutive year in which the initiates conducted a booth at the event to share Master’s teachings about peace, enlightenment and the Quan Yin Method. As in previous years, Festival day was bright and sunny despite it being the rainy season in the San Francisco area, and the brothers and sisters came feeling energetic and ready to share Master’s love. Along with an abundance of free vegetarian snacks, sample booklets, copies of The News magazine and spiritual brochures, the practitioners also distributed Master’s “Alternative Living” flyers to help raise public awareness of the benefits of vegetarianism, and presented one of Her video lectures on a TV set up at the booth. >From the start of the event, guests of many age groups and ethnic backgrounds visited the display, with all wishing more information about Master and the Quan Yin Method. Those who stayed to watch Her video expressed gratitude to Her, some because they had heard Her lectures on local TV or radio broadcasts and some because they had benefited from the help She gave to Aulacese refugees in the early 1990s. For example, one man in his mid-fifties said, “I remember your Master. She came to aid the Aulacese refugees in Palawan, the Philippines. She was very loving and caring.” Besides, another Aulacese man in his seventies picked up one of The News magazines and said, “I’ve been religiously watching and listening to radio and TV programs of Master’s lectures. My family and I have already begun the vegetarian diet. Master is very great. I really like Her teachings.” Another Caucasian man who obtained Master’s literature made the surprising claim that Her talks “mesmerized” him. “Every time I sit down to watch Master on TV, She glues me to the sofa,” He said. This remark brought warm laughter from the initiates since they also knew this feeling well! The man left the booth with his arms full of Master’s materials and his eyes shining with happiness. Still other people said that they liked Master’s poetry very much, and last but not least, some expressed thanks for the free vegetarian sandwiches the initiates served, saying they were delicious.