In mainland China, a sister was longing to see Master after initiation. This feeling increased daily. One day, Master finally fulfilled her wish. Her manifestation body appeared in the old temple in which this sister was working.
On that particular day, Master appeared as a tourist. She carried with Her a camera and tour the temple. The sister saw that Master was taking a picture of the thousand-year-old gingko tree at the back of the main hall. At that time, she only felt that this tourist was a tiny person and looked very familiar. However, she did not recognize that She was Master. Master had also asked the sister to write a few words in the guest book for Her because She did not know how to write. Afterward, when Master had completed Her tour, She commented before leaving, "This is great fun!"
Later, after thinking again and again, the sister finally realized that this was really Master's manifestation body. The overwhelming joy and happiness that she felt could not be sufficiently described in words.