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[Toronto] 23. septembra, Zlato leto 4 (2007) je pripravil center iz Toranta seminar, na katerem je razlagal Mojstričino učenje.

[Toronto] Učenci Mojstrice iz Toronta, so zakupili barko, na letnem seminarju “The Word on the Street”, dne 30. septembra, Zlato leto 4 (2007).

A Heartwarming Seminar

By Toronto News Group (Originally in English)

[Toronto] On Sunday, September 23, Golden Year 4 (2007), the Toronto Center held a seminar at a public library to spread Master’s teachings. The seminar was advertised in two different newspapers. A total number of 4,000 flyers were also distributed, most of which were handed out at the 23rd Annual Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair.

Anticipating a large turnout for the seminar, many fellow initiates offered to help. They prepared plenty of vegetarian dishes, coffee, tea and other drinks. The library room was illuminated by Master’s picture, flag, paintings and lamps. Master’s books, magazines, CDs and DVDs were also displayed. As expected, a large number of attendees showed up. They were very interested in Master’s teachings and liked our food. After watching the video, many people asked spiritual questions and about two-thirds of those who came stayed behind to learn the Convenient Method of meditation.

A couple of guests told us their touching stories about how Master guided them to this seminar, takes care of their daily lives, and answers their prayers, even a prayer as small as tending the flowers in the yard. The security guard at the library was also very interested in our seminar and listened attentively to a fellow sister’s introduction about Master for quite a while. Each new Convenient Method practitioner was given the “Alternative Living Recipes for Life” booklet to help them start a vegetarian diet. All were happy and excited to receive this handy, colorful recipe booklet, and could not wait to begin reading it.

We wish these sincere souls a good start on their road to an alternative way of living and a smooth journey back Home.

“The Word on the Street” Book and Magazine Festival

By Toronto News Group (Originally in English)

[Toronto] “The Word on the Street” is Canada’s largest annual book and magazine festival, which celebrates reading and advocates literacy in the country. It attracts some of Canada’s most celebrated authors, poets, book and magazine publishers, literacy organizations and a variety of other associations. This year, the event was held on September 30, Golden Year 4 (2007) in five cities, including Toronto, where about 185,000 visitors attended.

Seeing it as a great opportunity to share Master’s teachings, the fellow initiates from the Toronto Center secured a booth in a good location in the venue. Even though earlier that month, they had already participated in a three-day annual Vegetarian Food Fair and held a video seminar, they still prepared for the book fair with great enthusiasm. The booth was decorated with a large Supreme Master Television poster and Master’s recent books were on display. They handed out sample booklets, Alternative Living flyers, Supreme Master Television information and the Center’s contact data to all the guests. The sample booklets were so popular that a couple of boxes were distributed in the first half hour and more had to be brought in later.

Many people were very interested in Master’s books and teachings. They asked various questions about meditation and vegetarianism. Some guests couldn’t take their eyes off Master’s photo. One even asked us to take a picture of him with the photo. The fellow initiates also took the initiative to speak to other exhibitors at the venue just to make contact and exchange information for future promotional activities. Many of them eagerly accepted sample booklets and Alternative Living flyers for themselves and to share with their relatives and friends.

It was a joyful experience with many booklovers, families, children and pet dogs. Our booth seemed to be surrounded by a bright light that emanated a warm and peaceful atmosphere. All fellow initiates were grateful to have this unprecedented opportunity to share Master’s message of love and the way back to Heaven.


With deep compassion for animals and concerned about repeated outbreaks of epidemic diseases among animals and humans, Master has offered the world a fundamental solution to the problem by personally designing a friendly but convincing leaflet entitled “Alternative Living” to remind people to choose the vegetarian diet and stop killing in order to overcome global medical crises and save our fellow beings. Master has also instructed all initiates to share this message with their brothers and sisters in every corner of the world. In response, the practitioners have initiated an all-out effort to share Her words of love.

Events Datebook

To keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation, the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more and more video seminars and other Truth-sharing events.

You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our activities, please visit the following URL: