Amor en Acción

Las Filipinas

Mientras la gente de Filipinas estaba ocupada reconstruyendo sus casas como resultado de la devastación de la tormenta tropical Halong, otro tifón, el Fengsheng, golpeó al país el 20 de junio, desencadenando fuerte lluvia y deslizamientos de fango. Cientos de personas murieron o fueron reportadas como desaparecidas, mientras otras 63,000 abandonaban sus casas. Enterada de las urgentes necesidades de las víctimas, la Maestra Suprema Ching Hai instruyó de inmediato al equipo de rescate de Formosa para que proporcione ayuda a las áreas afectadas.

Dios Siempre Responde las Oraciones en el Momento Correcto
Por el Equipo de Ayuda de Formosa (Originalmente en chino)

Just as the people of the Philippines were busy rebuilding their homes in the aftermath of the devastation by tropical storm Halong, another typhoon, Fengshen, struck the country on June 20, triggering heavy rain and mudslides. Hundreds of people died or were reported missing, while another 63,000 fled their homes. Aware of the urgent needs of the victims, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately instructed the Formosa rescue team to render relief in the affected areas.

The mayor of Santa Barbara and his wife wholeheartedly supported
this relief operation.

The relief team arrived in Manila on the evening of June 26. The following morning, they proceeded to Iloilo City in central Philippines, where they paid a visit to the mayor and the resource distribution center under the Community Affairs and Resource Generation Division. After surveying the needs of the victims, the team set out to purchase emergency provisions, such as drinking water, buckets, cups, soap, wash basins, towels, bowls, plates, cooking pots, medicine and mosquito nets. Soon after that, they received a message from our Manila Center that the neighboring cities of Santa Barbara and Vavia were also seeking help. Therefore, the rescue team split into two groups to render follow-up relief.

The next day, one of the teams remained in Iloilo City, to complete the packing and distribution work with help from local fellow initiates. The other team traveled to Santa Barbara and Vavia City. On their way, they met a village chief who told them that the villagers desperately needed aid. When he found that the rescue team had brought love and care from a distant land, he was both touched and delighted, knowing that God had not forgotten them. With his assistance, they visited two other villages that had suffered severe damage. After that, the team visited the mayor of Santa Barbara and with his help, initiates were able to purchase 300 bags (about 15 tons) of rice from the Agricultural Office at half the market price. They also bought daily necessities and packed them into 1,300 bags for distribution.

The people were overwhelmed with gratitude as they came to receive the relief supplies. The mayor said that these provisions were the best gifts from Heaven. Out of appreciation, he repeatedly requested more information about Master; and in response, local fellow initiates sent some of Master’s publications to him. The mayor’s wife showed much love and admiration for Master, asking the team for the banner printed with Master’s photo so that she could hang it outside the city government building to let the citizens know how much Supreme Master Ching Hai loves them and has helped them. The local inhabitants also liked Master very much, happily accepting flyers and sample booklets and reading them with a great deal of interest.

On this trip the relief team was able to witness how God answers the prayers of sentient beings at just the right time. They believe that what the victims received was not just needed supplies, but also God’s infinite love.
Cartas de agradecimiento de los alcaldes de las ciudades de Iloilo y Santa Bárbara.

Gastos de la Maestra Suprema Ching Hai
y Su Asociación Internacional
en el trabajo de ayuda por el tifón en Las Filipinas.

(Moneda: Peso Filipino)




Alimentos (arroz, leche, galletas, dulces)



Agua potable



Artículos de uso diario (jabón, baldes, platos plásticos, bolsas plásticas, escaleras, cucharones, vasos, lavabos, toallas, etc.)



Láminas plásticas para el suelo



Medicamentos (ungüento para la piel, medicamentos gastrointestinales)



Transporte, combustible y gastos varios




904.114 Pesos



Nota: Los compañeros practicantes que participaron en la operación de ayuda pagaron sus propios gastos de transporte, alimentos y alojamiento.

Para ver las Actividades de Ayuda Humanitaria de la Maestra Suprema Ching Hai y Su Asociación Internacional, sírvase visitar: (Esta lista puede estar organizada por año, país/región y tipos de eventos.)