<Report from Au Lac>

Fire victims receive money
bearing Master's love. |
Chi Minh City] On April 13th, an electrical short circuit triggered
a large fire in Ho Chi Minh City. Two hundred fifty houses were burned
down, which left the daily lives of the victims in difficulty. In response
to a phone call requesting help and in accordance with Master's instructions,
the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association immediately dispatched
people to the area to inspect the situation and offer appropriate help.
Upon their arrival, they saw a large field of scorched earth, around
which the fire victims had built some simple shelters with small tables
and chairs inside. The local government also sent some soldiers to help.
day we sent relief coincided with the time that the government distributed
clothing, food and other necessities to the victims. On May 6, the victims
came to a hall to receive relief from both the government of Au Lac
and Supreme Master Ching Hai. When they received our relief money that
carried Master's immense love, they were all smiles in gratitude, which
in turn affected us. The disaster relief effort was carried out smoothly
with Master's blessing and the assistance of the Au Lacese government.
Site of the fire. |
of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in helping
fire victims in Ho Chi Minh City

and Help for Lepers
for Fire Victims
Urgent Aid to the Needy
and Receipts for Activities of Love in Action in Formosa