Story World - Reflections on Loving the Silent Tears:
The Musical
Peace Message
By Rainbow Messenger, Auckland, New Zealand
(Originally in English)
In July, Golden Year 9 (2012), I was excited to receive an email announcing Loving the Silent Tears: The Musical. At first it seemed impossible for me to participate, as I would have to make arrangements regarding family duties and other matters. However, through God’s grace, I was able to go. After arriving in Los Angeles, I joined the flyer-distribution team, which had already been working for about a month. The team members distributed flyers on the streets, and in stores, supermarkets, local markets, schools, universities, concert venues, and theatres. Wherever we were, we tried to inform as many people as possible about the extraordinary musical and its message of how to bring peace and happiness to the world. After a few days of being in Los Angeles, I discovered that it is indeed a culturally rich and music-loving city. Perhaps due to the influence of Hollywood, the people there, no matter what age level, ethnic group, or social status they belong to, deeply love music and the other arts. Also, during my stay in the city I found that people in the US are very kind, loving, and generous, so it is no wonder that this meaningful event was held there! While distributing flyers, I had many delightful conversations, including one with a woman who had seen the 2011 production, The Real Love: A New Musical, and was eager to attend Loving the Silent Tears as well. Another man said he would love to see more positive music in our world. From these encounters it became clear that people from all walks of life were interested in attending the musical. Some were drawn by Master’s sublime poetry being set to music by renowned composers, some by the superb dancers involved, and some by the star performers. Through my experience with the musical, I came to realize
that Loving the Silent Tears brings an uplifting, serene energy
to the world. It warms hearts, helps to elevate the consciousness
of humanity and assists our planet in ascending to a new level, where
peace and love prevail, a True Paradise on Earth.