Story World - Reflections on Loving the Silent Tears:
The Musical
Happy Reunion
Narrated by Sisters Li and Zeng
Written by Taipei Newsgroup, Formosa (Originally in Chinese) The day after the Taipei Center announced news of Loving the Silent Tears, sister Li registered for the event, and then telephoned her daughter, who was living in New York, USA, to ask her to register as well. On the day of the musical, sister Li arrived at the venue to welcome guests on the reception team, and eagerly looked forward to seeing her daughter, from whom she had been separated for a long time.
After finishing their reception-team duties, sister Li and her companion sister Zeng were directed to seats on the right side of the auditorium. They thought their seats should be on the left, however, since they were afraid they might disturb others on the right, but decided to accept the arrangement. Not long after, two people sat down next to them, and as soon as sister Li looked at the couple, she was pleasantly surprised: Her daughter and son-in-law were sitting next to her! Sister Li then thanked God for the clever arrangement, since over 6,000 people were attending the event, and this was indeed an amazing coincidence! Reflecting on their Loving the Silent Tears experience,
sisters Li and Zeng feel deeply that Master uses many means to uplift
the world and awaken our innate understanding, by reminding us to
use love to open our hearts, and guiding us to view the world from
the innocent perspective of a child. Thus, we can grasp the glorious
meaning of each stage in our life’s journey.