a small country in Eastern Europe, has a prosperous economy and a population
that is pure at heart. Fellow initiates printed several thousand leaflets
and distributed them in crowded shopping malls, supermarkets, and railway
stations. Many passersby received more than one leaflet, and some happily
accepted more for their friends. One earnest person stopped his car
close to the initiates and rolled down his window to offer them mint
candies, and to tell them that he would come to listen to Master's lecture.
Posters were posted in several places, and there were ads placed in
local newspapers, spiritual journals, and public buses. Almost everyone
in Ljubljana knew about Master's coming.

lady mayor of Ljubljana wanted to meet Master. Although Master's tight
schedule and health condition made it impossible, She sent a Quan Yin
messenger and some fellow initiates to visit the mayor on Her behalf.
Deputy Mayor Anton Colario received us in the city hall, where we presented
him with Master's books, videotapes and magazines. In our half-hour
conversation, Mr. Colario told us that he understood Master's ideals
and was delighted to have Her deliver a lecture in his city. He also
wished that Her lecture tour was a great success. Reporters from several
radio stations and magazines wanted to interview Master, but again,
Her health condition prevented Her from meeting with them.
the evening of the lecture, the venue was packed with an audience nearly
twice the size of the seating capacity. People who could not get in
squeezed up in front of a projecting screen in the lobby outside the
lecture hall. Out of compassion, Master invited members of the audience
to sit on the stage, while She stood during the lecture. She also offered
Her seat to two guests. Master spoke in a husky voice and coughed often.
Fellow initiates could hardly contain their tears when they saw Master
working so hard, and knew that there were many more lectures to follow.
the hard work bore fruit. At the end of the lecture, requests for initiation
into the Quan Yin Method outnumbered those at any other previous venue
on Master's European Lecture Tour. More than half the audience requested
initiation either into the Quan Yin Method or the Convenient Method,
which overjoyed Master. She had known that Slovenia was a spiritual
country even before She came. She complimented the country in Her lecture,
saying that She felt as though She was in Heaven. Master affirmed that
the world will be much better in the next century as more and more people
become enlightened.
The following day,
Delo, the largest local newspaper, devoted extensive cove
to Master's lecture. Although it questioned why Master was called a
Living God, it reported the event in great detail. Reporters from a
radio station also covered the lecture and aired their report the
following day.