May 5, Master opened Her European lecture tour in Madrid, Spain. The venue
for the lecture, the centrally located Palacio de Congresos, attracted many
people in a lecture organized just days before Her arrival.
Her message was one of
touching simplicity and found a great response among audience members that
night. Master pointed out that, "In the universe, and generally speaking,
on this planet, God has created many things for Hiers children to enjoy,
material things and also very abstract things. Material things bring us
comfort, wealth and much satisfaction. And on the other hand, abstract spiritual
knowledge brings us bliss, happiness and life everlasting. One who is successful
in material acquisition enjoys much in material comfort, but sometimes it
has a side effect that he forgets the spiritual blessings that God has saved
for all of us. And the ones who are successful only in the spiritual aspect,
sometimes don't care about material gain. So sometimes it also has a side
effect for people who see them. It makes them form an opinion about them
that following God, pursuing spiritual practice is going to lead to poverty.
"And some people
who are successful in both the material and spiritual aspects present themselves
sometimes in both aspects, and also this has side effects. People will wonder
what kind of God-follower is that, who looks so luxurious and doesn't look
like a monk, so there are always some side effects to everything. It is
because the minds of our people are used to one extreme or another, and
really we can neutralize the material and spiritual aspects and make of
them a perfect life for ourselves. We are the children of God. We can choose
to do whatever we want. But we must know how.
"After being successful
in spiritual practice, we also by the way often gain material success as
well. That's why in the Bible, it is stated, "Seek you first the Kingdom
of God, and all other things shall be added unto you." To be successful
in the spiritual world, we have to know the way to contact the source of
all spiritual power. In order to do that we just have to be quiet during
some moments of our lives, and we shall know how to focus, and then we can
communicate with God."
After the lecture drew
to an end, a large number of people in the audience received initiation
into the Quan Yin Method, or training in the Convenient Method of
meditation. Master personally conducted the initiation, which brought
immediate enlightenment to these souls who had been
longing for liberation in this lifetime. After being cleared of the karmic
hindrances that had been gathered through their countless previous lives,
these completely renewed souls now started on their journey to the Kingdom
of God, the origin of all lives.