Czech Republic is located in the central part of Europe, hence it is
often called "The Heart of Europe". The country has a population of
about ten million. It came into existence in 1992 when Czechoslovakia
was divided into two independent nations, the Czech Republic and the
Slovak Republic.

lecture was given in the capital city of Prague, and attracted about
1,500 listeners. The main lecture hall was packed, and many guests had
to see Her speak on large screens in two smaller halls. Master entered
the lecture hall dressed in a white outfit and wearing a simple hairstyle.
She smiled and put Her palms together in greeting, giving an impression
of peace and harmony. The message that Master delivered to the audience
was clear and powerful: "We are the children of God. We must reclaim
this glory." "Every one of us can see God in this lifetime and see God
right away. As soon as we want it, we will see Hirm, only if we know
how." "God always sends someone to us who is directly from Hirm, or
ordered by Hirm or empowered by Hirm, in order to show us the way."

guests learned about the lecture during a book exhibition held the preceding
week. Some learned about the event from posters that appeared almost
everywhere in downtown Prague. Others had learned about Master as far
back as 1993, when sample booklets were first published and distributed
in Czech. They immediately recognized Master on the posters and wanted
to see Her in person. Before the lecture started, many people came to
inquire about initiation and after the lecture, several hundred were
initiated into the Quan Yin Method or learned the Convenient Method
of Meditation.
the initiation was in progress, Master briefly visited the book
exhibition hall several times. The working staff immediately gathered
around Her. A citizen over seventy years of age, who had requested
initiation into the Convenient Method, tried to make his way into the
crowd while holding high a sample booklet to prevent it from being
crumpled. Master asked the initiates to bring the booklet to Her and
when She signed it, everyone cheered for the elderly brother. A
ten-year-old half-initiate came forward to offer Master a glass of
water. Master took a sip and sprinkled the rest of the water on the
around Her. Her blessings delighted everyone present. Two days later,
this young girl received an unexpected surprise - a big package of
Master's books and children's story books. This was a thank-you gift
from Master for her love and concern. The child was elated.