is a very open country. The customs officers were so friendly, they
just stamped our passports without asking any questions. All they said
was: "Did you have a nice flight?" That was all.
venue for the lecture, Konserthus, was a concert hall. More than a thousand
seats were filled during the lecture. First, one of Master's videos
was shown. Afterwards, a Norwegian initiate gave an introduction to
Master and the Quan Yin Method. Master's message to the audience was
that their country is peaceful, secure, prosperous, and highly civilized,
and has a good royal family and government. Since they have all their
physical material needs satisfied, Master was offering them spiritual
food: the choice to meet God directly and receive God's direct teaching
in order to go Home, if they were ready.
Many people asked
for initiation, most of them Norwegian. Master came to the initiation
room twice. She recited the Holy Names Herself and later, reminded the
newly-initiated about the sounds of the different levels. On the
afternoon of the next day, there was a group meditation and another
initiation was held at the Oslo Cente
Master took a taxi by Herself to the Center to be with everyone. She did
not stay long but gave everyone some truly precious moments seeing Her
face to face.