Special Reports


Bulgaria is a country with strong spiritual traditions, but it is currently in a very difficult economic situation. Consequently, many Bulgarians live a poor life and worry about their futures. The war in Kosovo adds to their fears. In this difficult and uncertain time, many are asking themselves why there is all this suffering in the world and how to change things for the better. Supreme Master Ching Hai not only brought the answer to this question, but also brought them a solution to the problem.

The lecture hall in Sofia had about 1500 seats. We all thought this would be too many, and made plans to put people only in the first rows. To our surprise, there were so many people, we had to put them sitting cross legged around the small podium where Master was going to sit. Many also didn't have seats and had to stand up during the lecture. Afterwards, one newspaper wrote: "3000 Awaiting Enlightenment in Universiada Hall".

When Master arrived, She saw some elderly people sitting cross legged on the floor and kindly invited them to sit next to Her on the couch. She also asked people to sit next to Her on the stage, which really warmed up the atmosphere. After the lecture, one elderly lady who sat next to Master told us that it had been the best experience of her entire life.

The message Master brought to the Bulgarian people was simple but powerful: "Only if we find God, will we find true happiness, true peace, everlasting bliss, even in this life and the life-after." Master offered everyone the way to go back Home and merge with the Truth.

Many asked about the cause of the Kosovo war, and how to help so that peace is reestablished. The answer was very simple: "As long as people forget God, there will be war again, not only in Kosovo, but anywhere possible. We have to truly know the God inside, contact with Hirm in order to know the other person is also God, and then one God cannot kill another God, then war will stop. When we don't know this, we just look at each other as another human being, we just look at personality, character, habits, national traditions, and we forgot that there is a God within that person, and that is the main thing."

Master's words were full of Love and power and someone said that She was like a Sun of hope in Sofia, amidst the Kosovo crisis and fear of war. After the lecture, many people asked for initiation and to learn the Convenient Method, and many had wonderful experiences right at initiation.

Supreme Master Ching Hai's 1999 European Lecture Tour - True Treasures Recognized Only by Wisdom Eyes Spain Portugal The Netherlands Poland Russia Armenia Bulgaria Greece Italy Hungary Slovenia Czech Republic Finland Sweden Norway Scotland Ireland England-U.K. London International Three-Day Retreat - Ocean of Love Coming with Great Force and Rushing Infinitely