that early morning in May when news about Master's tour through Europe
reached local initiates, (not only to Europe but specifically to Scandinavia),
a panic - like enthusiasm and joy exploded among us, for our deepest
wish had become true.

it was the first time for us to arrange all the practical details of
a visit by Master within such a short frame of time, things started
rolling well after the first few days' chaos. Everyone contributed in
his or her own best way and in times of challenge we would meditate,
and the answer was there. Yet without the slightest doubt, the biggest
help we received was from the incredibly efficient and professional
visiting working teams from many other countries. Their experience,
practical example, selfless devotion and guidance built a foundation
for it all.
The location of the
lecture was City Conference Hall in the center of Stockholm, with its
large courtyard and rainbow-colored fountain outside. After much preparation,
the scheduled lecture date of May 31 finally arrived. The weather was
wonderful with a clear blue sky, and at night there was a full moon.
At 6:00 PM the lecture hall started filling up, and by starting time
the hall was full to capacity. More than 1200 people sat silently, while
the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers and a highly
positive vibration. Then She appeared - our much-loved Supreme Master,
dressed in light colors, like an innocent spring flower. The applause
generated at that moment was warm and intense.
Relaxed, genuinely
present, simple and beautiful, Master had such a grace around Her. In
a sweet voice She talked to us, and every word was like a dewdrop of
divine nectar, waking up the God consciousness in the context of our
ordinary lives. Many people at the lecture seemed to have known Master
for a long time, having followed the five precepts naturally, and were
now ready to receive initiation. There was a lovely buzzing sound around
the initiation booths both before and after Master's loving lecture.
This marvelous evening
ended after midnight and we initiates understood that our small lake
of practitioners was now expanding into the big ocean of the Quan Yin
family. So it was time to expand our Center.
At the end of the
evening a surprising message was given by Master: She would stay for
another day for the next day's group meditation, and a new opportunity
for initiation was given to those who missed it the first time.
The next day, Master
surprised us again with Her overflowing Love. During the light
meditation She came to each one of us and blessed us. Many of the initia
cried out of sheer joy and a sense of connectedness. It felt like a
crystal within our hearts had been hidden under piles of dust, and
suddenly it was out, open and alive again!